
23 March 2011

Birthday Traditions

For my husband's birthday last week, we celebrated by doing some of our favorite traditions.

He found quarters in his shoe from the birthday fairy.
He got his favorite breakfast.
He got his favorite dinner. (I like that I was in the kitchen all day :)
He got his favorite cake. Post on that tomorrow.

I kept the decorations simple. My husband LOVED the giant 26 that was hanging from the ceiling and kept talking about it for days. In fact, it is still hanging. I sprinkled balloon confetti on the table and had birthday hats on our plates. I also used the birthday plate to serve breakfast and dinner on.

I took one of our favorite birthday traditions from the family I nannied for. Each birthday, they would watch a slideshow of the birthday person. It was a montage of pictures from birth to present. It was so fun to watch the pictures and see how much the person had changed.

Unfortunately I didn't have pictures from my husband's entire life, so I just used pictures from when we were dating. I included some pictures of him with other people and me, but I tried to keep it to pictures of him. It was a fun way to reminisce!

What are some of your favorite birthday traditions?


  1. I love the slideshow tradition—I'm hoping to try that this year! Our other birthday traditions are similar to yours (favorite breakfast and dinner). The kids get a friend party on the odd years, and choose a fun family activity on the even years.

  2. You guys are so sweet to each other. I'm going to use some of this stuff with zachs birthday coming soon.
