
27 September 2010

Festive Followers Fall Giveaway

I told you a giveaway was coming. And since it might be a while until I get around to making all the cookie recipes, I didn't want Fall to pass by without doing a Giveaway. So I put together a little package that ONE lucky winner will receive.

Entering is EASY.

1. Become a Festive Follower -->
and 2. Leave a comment telling us your favorite fall activity or tradition.

On Monday, October 4th, I will do a random drawing from all the comments and the winner will receive this:

all the fixings for your own Halloween party! (basket not included)

Can't wait to hear your favorite Fall activities. And don't forget to tell your friends. I'll do another giveaway as soon as we reach 100 Festive Followers!

Did you know? Fun Pumpkin facts

I came across these fun pumpkin facts here. Thought I would share!

  • The Irish brought the tradition of pumpkin carving to America. Originally, they carved turnips to celebrate All Hallows Eve - but pumpkins were plentiful in the states, and easier to handle.
  • The largest pumpkin ever grown weighed 1,140 pounds.
  • Pumpkins were once used to cure freckles and snake bites.

22 September 2010


Welcome to the new site! Let me know what you think. I'm always open to new suggestions to make it easier and better for you. I've kept all the old posts on here, so you can still access any of the archived ideas.

Also, if you were a follower on the old site, don't forget to become a new follower here. I'll be doing a contest soon that will only be open to followers, so you'll definitely want to be one!

Thanks for stopping by!

21 September 2010

Cookie Contest Recipe #1

I made one of the cookie recipes over the weekend. The dough was amazing! And the cookies were really good too. I just wish I knew why my cookies turn out flat. Maybe its the oven?

My husband rated them a 7 1/2-8.

20 September 2010

Hosting Tip #4

If you know kids will be coming over, make sure you have some things they can stay entertained with. A basket with puzzles, stuffed animals, coloring books, etc is a place to start.

16 September 2010

The fun begins

Thank you for your chocolate chip cookie recipes. I am so excited to make all of them and hopefully find a sure winner! I received 10 recipes which I will be making over the next little while. I'll keep you updated...

12 September 2010

Don't forget....contest entry deadline soon!

Submit your best chocolate chip cookie recipe by September 16th to

Check out September 2nd's post for full details.

06 September 2010

Happy Labor Day!
I hope you get to do something really fun to celebrate.

02 September 2010

A in?

So with all this back-2-school festiveness in the air, I've decided to hold a little contest.

I loved coming home from school to an afternoon snack of homemade chocolate chip cookies.
Its a good thing I don't have kids yet because I have yet to perfect any chocolate chip cookies that could be suitable for an after-school snack.

That is where you come in.

I am in search of the best, no- fail (because I'm good at failing) chocolate chip cookie recipe.

It's come down to this. I will make every recipe I receive. I'll post pics and let you know how they turn out. And then I'll choose the winner. The winner will be determined by how good the cookie turns out. My husband will even be the judge so it won't be biased.

To enter:
1. Email your favorite chocolate chip cookie recipe (and detailed instructions) to
2. Entries will be accepted until September 16th.

Depending on how many recipes I get, I'll make them over a period of time (wouldn't want to get fat now), but I'll keep you updated on the process.

I'll post the winner on this blog and the winner will receive a SUPER AWESOME PRIZE. I have yet to determine what it will be. And while this may deter you from entering, let me promise you that it will be very cool. Besides, we have lots of festive holidays coming up. And I promise it will be festive and worth your time. Maybe a holiday decor basket and goodies?

Thanks in advance for your help.

May the best chocolate chip cookie win!