
22 September 2010


Welcome to the new site! Let me know what you think. I'm always open to new suggestions to make it easier and better for you. I've kept all the old posts on here, so you can still access any of the archived ideas.

Also, if you were a follower on the old site, don't forget to become a new follower here. I'll be doing a contest soon that will only be open to followers, so you'll definitely want to be one!

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Love the new look! Oh, and I can't wait to hear about your favorite Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe. I, too, have been on a quest to find my favorite....I think I almost have it! I tried another recipe that I've tweaked several times yesterday and I almost loved it. One more little change and I think I will have my definition of the perfect chocolate chip cookie. Good luck!

  2. Love it Melis! I wish I could be as cute as you. Guess I will just have to keep trying. You are the best!!
