
07 December 2012

sweet & simple 12 days of Christmas [gift idea + activity]

My mom loved doing the 12 days of Christmas for someone who needed some extra holiday cheer.
She always involved us in the process by having us help with the shopping, wrapping, or delivering. 
One of my favorite childhood Christmas memories is getting all bundled up, piling in our station wagon, and doorbell ditching the gifts each night. She always used the same 12 days of Christmas gifts. I'm not sure where she got this idea, but she loved it because it called for simple and inexpensive gifts that could be picked up during your normal shopping. This is my go-to 12 days of Christmas as well. I love the poems for each day and it doesn't cost a lot to do. Most items can be found at a dollar store.
*Simply cut out the tags, attach them to gifts, and deliver!
Enjoy one of the most fun activities of the holiday season. 

Here is a preview of the poems & gifts for each day, but if you'd like a printable version, click here.
*Also, if you are interested in an editable document (in case you want to switch up some of the days or gifts, leave a comment with your email address or send an email to  and I'd be happy to email it you!)

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