
13 December 2012

clothesline christmas card holder [DIY]

One of my most favorite things about this time of year is receiving Christmas cards in the mail.
I love opening up the envelope to see what picture people chose and also love reading the updates. 
And then I love displaying them all month long and being reminded of family and friends who we love so much. 

This year, I wanted a different way to display them. Not that taping them on the fridge isn't good enough, but I wanted something more visible. I had some leftover clothesline from the Clothesline Advent Calendar I made, so it seemed fitting to use it and some of the remaining clothespins to hang our Christmas cards. Please tell me you love using up things you already have, too?

I picked up the clothesline from Dollar Tree. Aren't dollar stores awesome? I especially loved that it was green and white. And clothespins there are steal! The same package at Wal-Mart is 3x the price!

As soon as we get cards in the mail, we hang them on the clothesline that is hung between our kitchen and living room. Oh, it just makes me so happy every time I walk under them.  

How do you display your Christmas cards?

{P.S. As soon as I know our cards have been mailed, I'll be sure to share our Christmas card we sent out this year.} 

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