
01 December 2012


It's been 3 years today since this little So Festive blog started.
A big thanks to all of you who have been here from the beginning or have joined us along the way.
I've had a lot of fun and I hope you have, too.

In honor of 3 years, I will be giving away 3 prizes. 
Let me explain. I started this blog as a way to feel close to my mom, Marilyn, because she loved being festive. So I think it is only appropriate that the prizes are some of her favorite things. 
Here is what you could win:

#1- 1 lb. of Marilyn's Famous Fudge 
*Marilyn loved fugde. And she was even more famous for making it. She loved fudge. Everyone loved her homemade fudge. Even people who didn't like fudge loved it. Yes, it is that good. 

#2- Any one accessory item of your choice from Paparazzi
My mom LOVED jewelry, especially big earrings.
But you get to choose any accessory item from this site

#3- $15 Amazon Gift Card!!
Marilyn loved to shop. And she loved bargains.
Use this gift card to help with some of your holiday shopping or splurge on something for yourself.
Don't worry, I won't tell if you do.

There are many options for you to enter:
1. Share the above giveaway image on your Facebook page
2. Post a photo of you being festive on Facebook or Instagram and mention @sofestive or #iamsofestive
3. Pin one of your favorite ideas to Pinterest and mention So Festive
4. If you came here because of someone else and follow us, you'll get an extra entry!
and more...
Enter in the box below. Each thing you do is worth up to 4 entries!
So, the more you do, the greater your chances of winning are!
(If you are viewing this in Reader, be sure to click on the giveaway link below)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Entries will be accepted until midnight EST on Monday, December 3rd. 
Winners will be announced on Tuesday and will have 24 hours to claim their prize.

(PS. This is the first time I've tried using Rafflecopter for a giveaway, so I hope it works well! If you have any feedback or preferences on using this or leaving comments to enter instead, leave me a comment and I'll be sure to consider them for the next giveaway.)

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