
21 November 2012

thankful tablecloth [tradition]

Since it's my little guy's first Thanksgiving, I wanted to start a tradition that would capture what we were thankful for and the memory of him (and future children) growing up. 

There are a lot of great hand-print turkey crafts out there, but I wanted something that would last.
So this is what I came up with: A Thankful Tablecloth

I combined an idea we got from a wedding gift with this wonderful Thanksgiving holiday.
We don't have many Thanksgiving traditions (compared to other holidays), so I'm glad we have a new one!

How to: We simply traced our hands on a white tablecloth. We decorated them like turkeys and wrote a few things that we were thankful for with permanent marker. Each year, we will pull out the tablecloth for our family's thankful dinner and add our hand-print turkeys and gratitude lists.

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