
29 November 2012

50 christmas activity ideas for advent calendars

Now that my advent calendar is updated, I'm ready to fill it with holiday activities. If you are like me and  struggle coming up with a new idea for each day, here's a list to help you out. I know, we only need 24-25 ideas, but there are 50 here so you can choose your favorites. And hey, save the rest for next year.

1. Decorate sugar cookies and take them to a neighbor
2. Decorate the Christmas tree
3. Put up Christmas lights
4. Drive to see the Christmas lights in pjs
5. Make gingerbread houses
6. Visit Temple Square
7. Make a countdown to Christmas candy chain
8. Go Christmas shopping
9. Get a picture taken with Santa
10. Go caroling at the hospital
11. Read Christmas stories
12. Sleep out by the Christmas tree
13. Celebrate St. Nicholas Day
14. Watch a Christmas movie
15. Go to a nativity display
16. Make Christmas candy
17. Dip pretzels
18. Do a Sub-4-Santa
19. Drink hot cocoa on the front porch
20. Celebrate Advent
21. Host a Christmas open house
22. Read the nativity story
23. Try a new Christmas recipe
24. Start a Christmas Jar
25. Wrap presents
26. Watch Elf
27. Watch the First Presidency Christmas Devotional
28. Build a snowman
29. Drink hot chocolate on the porch with Grasshopper cookies
30. Carol around the neighborhood
31. Write letters to Santa
32. Start a new Christmas tradition
33. Host a Holiday Open House for neighbors and friends
34. Watch Home Alone
35. Go to an outdoor ice skating rink
36. Dance to Christmas music
37. Make a homemade gift
38. Watch Miracle on 34th Street
39. Write and mail Christmas cards
40. Cut down your own Christmas tree
41. Have a Christmas-around-the world night
42. Make a Christmas craft
43. Go to a light parade
44. Go to a free Christmas concert
45. Attend the city's tree lighting ceremony
46. Read the Christmas Carol
47. Read the Scripture Advent each night
48. Do a Christmas card,  ornament, or cookie exchange
49. Volunteer at a soup kitchen
50. String popcorn for the tree

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