
23 October 2012

our favorite event of the year + halloween preview week!

There are only 8 days left until Halloween! Here on So Festive this week, we're going to be featuring all things Halloween. Stay tuned for recipes, costume reveals, and more! 

the last few spudnuts
To begin, I'm going to show you some snippets of our Sunday Spudnut Sunday party that we host every year. Here were the invites I made up:

I can't believe we've been doing this for 5 years as a Sunday family. Although to keep the record straight, this tradition started decades ago in my grandmother's kitchen. She found this wonderful recipe and decided to dedicate a day each year to making spudnuts. My mother did this with my family each year, and I loved it so much, I have done it each year since I've been out of the house. It was a hit in college. And I even made them when I was in Germany! I made sure my husband would be on board with this before I married him. And good thing he is, because it definitely is not a one-man show. 

Every year it gets better. This year, we made sure we had extra lighting in the backyard by using tiki torches and orange twinkle lights. And we made sure to have plenty of cups and apple juice. We ran out last year!

Here are few pics of the pre-event. It is too crazy to ever manage getting photos during the event. 

If you'd like to host your own Spudnut party, let us know! We'd be happy to share some tips. 
Here is the recipe I posted last year.

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