
20 August 2012

festive touches for a family reunion

I was co-in charge (is that a word?) of my family reunion this year. It was kind of crazy trying to coordinate with everyone's schedules and preferences, but we finally got it all together.

There were a few fun things I did to make the trip more festive and thought I'd share them with you. Keep in mind, all of these things were FUN for me and I in no way felt pressure or stress to do them. Because once it becomes not fun, I stop.

1. Logo
Yes, I designed a logo for the event. I know, I'm pathetic. But, I only spent like 2 minutes on it and figured that it would be fun to include it on all correspondence. You know, to make it more official.

2. Wristbands
I wanted to do give everyone something to wear during the trip, but honestly, I'm not a big fan of cheesy t-shirts or hats or bandannas. And I was on a really LOW budget. Plus, I knew that whatever I gave would go straight into the trash afterwards. So I decided on wristbands. They cost me $2 from the dollar store and were the perfect way to unify us without being too cheesy or noticeable.

To kick off King Camp, I turned on "We are Family" during breakfast while I handed them out. The fun music and wristbands got everyone excited for the days ahead.

3. Yellowstone Survival Kits 
Since we would be spending a day in Yellowstone, I made a survival kit for everyone. The kits included "Moose Munch"- a snack mix of m&m's, pretzels, kettle corn, and yellow and white cheez-its. I also thought a friendly adult competition would be fun. I made up some License Plate game sheets (with the logo :) and put them in the kits out to everyone before we went to the Yellowstone. The winner got Haribo gummy bears since Yellowstone is notorious for bears.

Besides the beautiful sights of Yellowstone, I think everyone's favorite part was running through parking lots to find the most license plates.

What fun things have you done to festify your family reunions??

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