
30 July 2012

simple celebrations: july 30-august 5

This week's simple celebrations:
July 30-National Father-in-Law Day
31-Harry Potter's Birthday
August 1-National Sister's Day
2-Spiderman's Birthday
3-National Watermelon Day
4-Kentucky Fried Chicken Birthday
5-Green Peppers Day

23 July 2012

simple celebrations: july 23-29

This week's simple celebrations:
23-National Cowboy Day
24-Pioneer Day
25-Thread the Needle Day
26-Uncle Day
27-National Parents Day
28-Waffle Ball Birthday
29-National Lasagne Day

17 July 2012

nautical baby shower

I put together a nautical themed baby shower for one of my best friends. She is having her third boy. Anyone who has three boys should have a celebration. We kept it fairly simple, with the food table being the focal point. 

I created these invitations using Powerpoint. (I am still hoping to learn Illustrator. Someday, right?)
(*I have cropped it to hide personal info )

Since it was a nautical themed shower, we used salt water taffy as the favor. 

*napkins from Target's party aisle. Have you checked it out? It is awesome!

The following poem was attached (all the guests were very close friends)

There are those who pass like ships in the night,
Who meet for a moment, then sail out of sight
With never a backward glance of regret,

Folks we know briefly then quickly forget.
Then there are friends who sail together,

Through quiet waters and stormy weather, 
Helping each other through joy and through strife.
They are the kind that give meaning to life. 


Crab Sandwiches (chicken salad sandwiches on croissants, made to look like crabs)
Sea Salt Chips (Kettle brand individual bags)
Anchor Apple Salad 
Goldfish (crackers to snack on) 
Starfish Sugar Cookies 
Lighthouse Lemonade

16 July 2012

simple celebrations: july 16-22

This week's simple celebrations:
16-Fresh Spinach Day
17-National Peach Ice Cream Day
18-Cow Appreciation Day
19-Stick Out Your Tongue Day
20-Nap Day
21-National Cousins Day
22-Maple Syrup Day

12 July 2012

bridal shower trifle

I made this trifle for a bridal shower. 
I used the trifle recipe I posted a little while ago.
For the sake of time, I made one trifle instead of mini ones.
To add a festive touch, I made this bunting to go on the top of it. 
It was a simple way to spruce up the dessert!

11 July 2012


Today is 7-11. Go get a slurpee!
And hey, it's on 7-11. Yep, they giving away FREE 11 oz Slurpees from 11 am to 7 pm!

*image via

10 July 2012

flag waffles

Our 4th of July this year started off with flag waffles.
I think we will be making it a tradition. 

What you'll need:
whipped cream
sliced strawberries

Decorate your waffle to look like a flag. Put the whipped cream in a sandwich bag. 
Snip off a corner of it to pipe out the cream. Yummy and so festive!

09 July 2012

simple celebrations: july 9-15

This week's simple celebrations:
9-National Sugar Cookie Day
10-Smile Power Day
11-Vegetarian Food Day
12-Swimming Pool Day
13-National French Fries Day
14-Farm Heritage Day
15-I Love Horses Day

06 July 2012

a festive week!

Hope you had a fun 4th of July!
We sure did. 
We've been partying like crazy around here.
I promise some posts are coming including...
a nautical baby shower
bridal shower trifle
fourth of july festivities
and more.

Be back soon! 

02 July 2012

simple celebrations: july 2-8

This week's simple celebrations:
2-Halfway Point of the Year
3-Idaho Becomes a State!
4-Independance Day
5-Graham Cracker Day
6-First Picture Postcard Day
7-Father/Daughter Take a Walk Together
8-Vidoe Games Day