
06 January 2012

simple ways to celebrate during 2012

Being festive doesn't have to be complicated. There are so many simple ways to celebrate life and each day for that matter. This year on So Festive, I'm going to be posting simple ways to make your life more festive. Because let's be honest, life can get pretty busy and the last thing you want to do is add more stress by trying to be festive. I have a feeling once my first baby comes (in 5 weeks I might add!) I'm going to have to simplify. But I am determined to keep our lives festive. So let me tell you about my solution. I'm going to celebrate simply.

Did you know that almost every day of the year is some random holiday*? Yes, it's true. Now, I'm not saying that we are going to celebrate every day, but when life needs a little pizazz, we'll be sure to celebrate something in a simple way. And so when you need a idea of a simple way to celebrate, stop on over here for a suggestion. I'll still be posting party ideas, recipes, and the usual, but every day there will  be an idea to help make that day more festive.

Enjoy! To start off, January 6th is...Schoolhouse Rock's Birthday. Watch an episode on youtube.

*I compiled ideas from a friend and sister of random holidays and have thrown in some of my own.

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