
01 December 2011

happy 2 year anniversary! and giveaway!!

It has been exactly 2 years since this little blog started. It started out as a way for me to document all the festive ideas I come across. It still is that, but I have to say it has been fun to gather some readers along the way to share the festiveness with.

So to kick off the Christmas season, how about a giveaway  to help you get in the holiday spirit? The lucky winner will receive the following:

Cupcake Toppers from ML Paper Creations. 
They have such cute things. Check out all the other fun ideas here

AND these snowflake die cuts from PamCreates that would be perfect for a million things
AND these cute gift tags from Champagne Press

If you want to win these all these prizes, simply become a follower and leave a comment with your favorite holiday tradition by Friday, December 2nd at midnight. The winner will be announced Monday!


  1. For the past many years my dad has made a treasure hunt for us kids for christmas day to find one of our big presents. It usually takes at least a couple of hours to complete and is full of puzzles, clues, odd languages, etc. I love this tradition because it helps us all work together and is a unique tradition to our family. I can't wait to see what this year's hunt will be like!

  2. I absolutely LOVE Christmas Eve and every year my 5 siblings and I would all sleep in the same bedroom and stay up late listening to old Christmas Radio Shows and Christmas music. My brother would always think of the most creative spaces for all of our "beds" to fit in one room... I remember sleeping in the closet many times.

  3. Growing up our Christmas Eve would always be the following: having the grandparents over for an early dinner, going to Christmas Village to look at the displays and lights, driving home to watch A Christmas Story and drinking hot chocolate. Then we would open one gift and Dad would read us The Polar Express as our bedtime story.

  4. How can I pick just one favorite tradition? I might say making & devouring homemade Christmas candy delicacies or putting hay in baby Jesus' manger, or all the festivities on Christmas eve. I hope I can make Christmas so festive for my little one to always remember!

  5. I am a follower!

    One of my favorites is lighting REAL candles on the Christmas tree with my fam---Swiss style :)

  6. I love your cute, festive blog Melissa! My favorite Christmas tradition is sleeping in the family room under the Christmas tree one or two nights during the Christmas season! Weird, but true! My little runt is SO excited to do it this year, so I think that tradition will get to be even more fun.

  7. My favorite Christmas tradition is putting up decorations after Thanksgiving. I know that I told you I embrace Christmas when stores start celebrating it--which is true--but, I don't like to decorate until after Thanksgiving to make it extra special the last few weeks leading up to Christmas. As a kid, Black Friday was the huge decorating day. It kept us from shopping, but gave us something fun to look forward to--smart Mom! My mom had tons of boxes and we literally transformed our home into a Christmas miracle. I have always been a sucker for sitting in the living room with the Christmas lights on. It creates a great atmosphere to reflect on life and the birth of our Savior.

    Pick me to win!

  8. Wow I have so many. I love doing a count down to Christmas with my kids each day brings a new adventure. I also love us all getting new pj christmas eve and watching the polar express. I love waking up and opening presents followed by cinnamon rolls for breakfast. I could go on and on. I love your blog

  9. #1 Love your ideas
    #2 who doesn't love adorable Christmas embellishments?
    #3 Favorite Christmas tradition/memory has to be Christmas Eve with family. We eat, perform musical numbers for each other and eat some more. I think I like it even more than Christmas day.
    #4 Hope you are doing well!

  10. I am sad that this year it's just going to be our little family of 3 due to baby #2 being on his way very soon after Christmas. But I have to say that I LOVE waking up to people! I Love spending Christmas morning with my extended family and all the craziness that such event brings. And there are a ton of other traditions, like reading a Christmas scripture every night and talking about this big event that happened so long ago to bless our lives today! But I am grateful we'll get a chance to start out own family traditions and have a blast together.
    And oh yeah, I'm a follower of this blog now :)
    Pick Me!!
