
22 August 2011


I have to admit. I'm a little jealous of all the people going back to school. This time of year brings back so many memories of back-2-school shopping, fashion shows, the smell of new socks (yes, I love that!), finding out which friends are in the same classes, getting school supplies ready, and creating schedules (although they only lasted for about a week.).

The closest thing to going back-2-school for me this year was starting a new job a few weeks ago. The night before I started I got those same butterflies as I would the night before school started. I kind of really like that feeling. Anyways, sorry for the lack of posts. But fall is coming and that means there will be lots of festive things to share.

I have this little decoration on my mantle just so I don't feel completely out of the loop. I can't wait until I have kids of my own to take school shopping and walk them up to their first day of class.

Happy Back-2-School everyone!!

If you want some ideas, check out some of my favorites here

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