
03 June 2011

Themed Party: Picnic Date

Summer is here and that means picnic season! Here are some ideas for planning the perfect picnic...

  • Keep it simple in your backyard
  • Or venture out to your favorite picnic spot

  • Pack everything up in a picnic basket (including candles if you want it to be romantic)
  • Make subs for dinner and bring your favorite picnic snacks

Activity ideas: 
  • If you have a laptop, bring it along. Watch "7 Brides for 7 Brothers" once it's dark. 
  • Star gaze.
  •  Play your favorite card games
  • Feed the ducks.

1 comment:

  1. Love the jean pocket idea! That is so cute and so creative. If it wasn't 97 degrees and humid outside I'd be inspired to have a picnic today!
