
25 May 2011

Party Ideas

I have been "Spring Cleaning" my computer and came across these photos I took at some events years ago.  I kept them in a Party Ideas file, but I figured I would share them with you here and then I can delete them. And that makes me happy.

Goldfish to add some extra color

Loved these 'baby' cupcakes by Andrea

tissue paper balls. cheap and festive!

23 May 2011

Snicker Salad

We are loving lighter meals lately. One of our favorite side dishes is Snicker Salad.

Snicker Salad

apples, bananas, grapes, strawberries, kiwi
1 peach yogurt
2 cups cool whip
Snickers, chopped

Chop all of your fruit. (You really can use whatever you want/have). Mix the cool whip and yogurt together (and add more yogurt or cool whip until it tastes how you want it). Then pour over the chopped fruit. Add in chopped snickers. You can put kiwi  and strawberry on the top for some extra festiveness.

22 May 2011

Hosting Tip #7

If you know your guests will be showing up after dark, leave the outside light on for them.

Or, as I discovered on our recent trip, 
if you live on charming Prince Street in Alexandria, you'll actually light real candles.

09 May 2011

And the Winner Is...

Thanks to all of you who entered!

The winner of the baby girl shoes or baby tie is...

Rachel!! Contact me for details on how to get your prize.
Rachel said...
"Love everything in the Etsy shop, but since I have to pick one, it would be the Baby Boy Ties. What's cuter than a little guy all fancied up in a tie?"

Happy Spring everyone. I think it has finally arrived.

04 May 2011

Spring Giveaway

I thought a Spring Giveaway would be the perfect thing for you while I'm on vacation. My friend Andrea makes adorable baby things including baby shoes, hats, and ties. Check out all of her cute stuff at her shop Lane 13. She has decided to let the winner choose from one of the following:

0-3 month girl shoes

Baby boy ties

To enter, visit her Etsy shop and then leave a comment telling us which baby item is your favorite.
You will have until SATURDAY, MAY 7th to enter.

Good Luck...Winner will be announced on Monday, May 9th.

02 May 2011

DIY: Flower Cookies

 What you'll need: sugar cookie dough, wood skewer sticks, large gum drops, frosting (optional)

 First, make some sugar cookie dough. 
Next, cut the dough using a flower cookie cutter.

Before you bake it, take a skewer and make a small hole in the middle, like this: 

Bake according to the recipe and let cool.
If you want to frost the cookies, do so now.
I used the glace icing recipe from Our Best Bites.

Cut the gumdrops in half length-wise. 
Take the bottom half and slide it down about 1/2 inch on the skewer.

Then slide the cookie down.

Then put on the top of the gum drop. 
Repeat until all the cookies are done.

Put them all together in vase and you have a Springy edible bouquet!
It's perfect for a centerpiece.