
18 April 2011

12 Days of Easter

I came across a festive idea here of how to incorporate the spiritual side of Easter into celebrating. Check out the details posts there, but I've compiled a quick list in case you want to do your own 12 days of Easter. (Even though we are already a few days into it, it's not too late!)

What you'll need: 12 plastic eggs, 12 objects listed below and a basket.

Day 1 -The Sacrament Symbolizes Christ's Sacrifice
Day 2- Betrayed for 30 pieces of silver
  • object in egg: 30 cents representing Judas' betrayal
  • scripture references: Matthew 26:14-16
Day3- Christ Willingly Suffered for Our Sins
  • object in egg: mini cup representing Christ drinking the bitter cup as he performed Atonement
  • scripture references: Matthew 26: 36, 39 , Alma 21:9
Day 4- Christ Heals the Soldier Who Comes to Arrest Him
Day 5- Even His Closest Friend Denied Him
  • object in egg: feather symbolizing cock crowed twice
  • scripture references: Mark 14: 66-72
Day 6- A Crown of Thorns
  • object in egg: thorn representing crown of thorns
  • scripture reference: Mark 15:17-20
Day 7- Upon My Vesture They Did Cast Lots
  • object in egg: dice representing soldiers casting lots for Christ's clothing
  • scripture reference: Matthew 27: 35-37
Day 8-The Cross
Day 9- Three Hours of Darkness
Day 10-Christ's Burial
  • object in egg: piece of white cloth- symbolizes the clean cloth that Christ was buried in
  • scripture references: Matthew 27:50-60
Day 11-The Stone Was Rolled Away
  • object in egg: stone representing the stone was rolled away
  • scripture references: Matthew 28:1-4
Day 12- He is Risen

1 comment:

  1. love that, i'll have to do it when my kids are a little older. Great idea!
