
17 January 2011

Themed Party: Indoor Camp-Out

Many of you asked for themed party ideas this year. So that is what you are going to get. Some people think themed parties are more work. They definitely can be, but if you plan it right, they can actually be easier. Once you think of a theme, the rest will take care it itself and the ideas will just keep flowing...

If you are just itching to go camping this winter, but don't want to face the cold, have an

Indoor Camp-Out

Here's the how-to:

  • Set up your Christmas tree without the lights for a true mountain setting.
  • Use any other mini pine trees you might have. Gather pine cones if you can.
  • If your room is big enough, set up a tent.
  • Or, for sleeping under the stars, get glow-in-the-dark stars for the ceiling.
  • Build a fake fire and set up camping chairs around it.
  • Use an indoor lantern or use candles for light.

  • Make Indoor S'mores using this recipe.
  • Or use an indoor s'more maker like this one.
  • Roast hot dogs over the stove burners. It really works!

  • Go "star gazing." Set up the stars on the ceiling in constellations. Check out a book from the library if you need ideas.
  • Read stories around the camp fire.
  • Play card games using a lantern.
  • Watch Parent Trap, Troop Beverly Hills, or another camping-themed movie.

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