
01 October 2010

Halloween Phantom

to enter the Halloween Giveaway, click here

If you only do one Halloween activity this year, do this one! It's fast, it's easy and it's service so you'll feel happy after doing it.

The Phantom How-To

1. Prepare a simple treat. Since the family you'll be giving it to won't know it's from you, you may want to do something that isn't homemade. Examples-root beer and ice cream, packaged cookies, apples and caramel, etc. I chose to do a cake mix and baking papers so they can make their own Halloween cupcakes.

2. Print off a copy of the Phantom Poem and a copy of the Phantom Ghost. Attach it somewhere to your treat.

3. Pick a family (or two if you're generous) to deliver the Phantom to. Doorbell ditch the treat and notes. Make sure you don't get caught! :)

If all goes according to plan, the family will devour the treat, hang the Phantom Ghost on to door, and choose another family to "Phantom". Half the fun is seeing it spread around the neighborhood. If you're lucky, it might even come back to you.

Happy "Phantoming!"

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