
02 August 2010

Schultute: A Back-2-School Tradition

If you have been a reader since the beginning, you already know that I picked up a few traditions while living in Europe. Today's post is another one of those traditions. It is one I am definitely going to do when I have kids.

So the German tradition is called a Schultute (pronounced shool-toota). The direct translation is school cone. Basically, its a cone filled with school supplies and goodies given to a child on his/her first day of school, however, some people give them to all their children at each start of the new year. The cones can be large or small and you can fill them with anything your children might need. Hey, you're going to have to buy school supplies anyway, so why not make a cute tradition out of it?

I made a simple one and it was...well, simple.

Just get a piece of heavy paper and wrap it into a cone-shape.

Then fill it with school supplies and goodies. I put erasers, pencils, pens, and glue in there.
A small notepad and a treat would be fun too. Just remember, you could make it as big as you wanted.

You can wrap it up with tissue paper and tie off the top. You could leave it on your kids' beds the night before school starts or have it at the breakfast table on their first day.

For some other fun examples, check out these cute and simple ones here and here. It's fun to see others carrying on this tradition. And right now, it seems like many stores are having good deals on school supplies so stock up now!


  1. That is such a cute idea Melissa! I can't wait to do it for Halle this year!

  2. I love this idea.. and will for sure be using it this since Lizzie starts her first day of preschool in a few months.

    I just gave you the Versatile Blogger Award on my blog. I really do enjoy reading your blog and all of the ideas you have.

  3. It sounds like you lived (maybe went on a mission?) in Germany. In 2006 habe ich in Bayreuth studiert. Mein Mann ist Deutsch. I love the German traditions! It's so cute to see those school pictures of the little Kindergartener (I think it's usually just done in 1st grade?) holding such a big cone! It's a fun tradition to have!
