
25 March 2010

Happy Birthday Marilyn

The idea to start this festive blog came to me as I was thinking about my mother who passed away 9 years ago.

(she's the one on the far left)

She was the most FESTIVE person I knew. And I only hope I can be as festive as she was. That is why I LOVE all of your ideas!!

She would have been 58 today and I can't help but give her a little tribute since this is the whole reason I started this blog.

A few of her favorite things were:
  • M&Ms (she always had a secret stash)
  • holidays
  • birthdays
  • taking meals to people
  • being spontaneous
  • bargain shopping

In her honor, my husband and will be playing this game tonight:

My sister found all of us a copy of the original 1960s Barbie game. This is the game that my mom would stay up and play until the wee hours of the morning with us and our friends when we had sleepovers. Since this game is rare, all of our friends loved playing it and we still do!

Happy Birthday to the most festive person ever.


  1. How have I never played this game with you!? Promise we will sometime!!

  2. I loved playing that game when we had sleepovers at your house! I still remember your Dad going to bed and your Mom staying up with us until the wee hours of the morning playing that game and making us treats. What an amazing role model, I hope I always enjoy life as much as she did!
