
01 February 2010

Groundhog Day

We will take a short break from our Valentine's Day ideas to tell you not to forget to celebrate GROUNDHOG DAY on February 2nd.

We will keep the celebrating simple by watching the comedy movie "Groundhog Day."

If you are feeling more ambitious, you could throw a Groundhog party. Here are some ideas for a party centered around whether or not the groundhog sees his shadow.

  • Make shadows of your guests profile and have everyone guess who is who
  • Decorate the party rooms like winter or spring. If there will be 6 more weeks of winter, decorate with white snowflakes, balloons, crepe paper. Don't forget the treats: white chocolate dipped pretzels or strawberries, popcorn, rice-krispy treats, or vanilla ice cream. If spring is coming, decorate in bright spring colors and have a fruit platter, or make flower cookies or cupcakes. I thought these were adorable!
Happy Groundhog Day tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. My husband's family has the strangest ground hog's day tradition. They make "ground hog" (sausage) and pancakes for dinner but then after dinner everyone makes a wish and throws pancakes on top of the fridge. You stand about 10 feet away, make a wish, close your eyes and then throw the pancake over your shoulder. If it lands on top of the fridge your wish comes true. You can throw the pancake as many times as you like. It is really strange but really fun. I guess that it is an old Cajun tradition that his aunt discovered when they lived in Louisiana. So it may be authentic or they might just be a bunch of weirdos but it sure makes ground hogs day a bit more exciting. Not to mention when you find pancakes behind the fridge a year later!
