
02 December 2009

Christmas Story Countdown

My friend Andrea gets the credit for telling me about this fun tradition. Her mom would wrap up 12-24 Christmas stories and put them under the Christmas tree. Each day, a sibling would get to choose a wrapped book from under the tree and open it. Then her whole family would read the story together.

I love this idea because I don't know about you, but we had TONS of Christmas books that we would never even touch during the holidays. This tradition helps you to get through all of them and what a fun thing to do together as a family.


  1. Melissa, What a good idea! I love it. YOU love holidays as much as I do!!! I love that! I will def be thinking of all my traditions and special holiday memories so I can email you. Jared and I were just talking the other day about how we would love to start some traditions for Noah now that he can remember some of them. But it's hard to think of things to do, so I'm hoping to glean some inspiration from your blog. Do you want me to do a post on my blog sending people to this? Maybe I'll wait for there to be some more substance/posts??? OR maybe sending people here will create more substance/posts! LOve ya girl, great idea!

  2. i am so thinking about doing this next year - i just love the idea. i had bought a lot of books(thrift store scores) for this year and we never read any of them! i did seea couple of different blogs that did this this year and I even saw one where they made ornaments for each book they read - i like that idea too! i even think they had a special tree just for those ornaments - love that idea too! if i can find the blog i will come back and add it so you can all see the ornamnets she made - they were great!!!

  3. i found it! this link will take you to all the posts about the books and ornaments they did this year for their story countdown!
    i am so doing this next year instead of a bunch of readings like we did this year!
    i cant wait to start making my list and finding coordinating ornaments to go with each one!!! i also had the idea to use those ornaments as the decorations for the boys tree that they have in their room each year. when I was taking down their tree the ornaments were just ones I had bought in previous years and they didnt really have any special meaning so this would be a cool way to give their tree some fun decorations and some meaning to go with them!!!
